How to attract money: Ultimate Guide

Dhanashree barge
8 min readFeb 3, 2021


You can learn to attract money. Money doesn’t buy happiness but it gives us options that we may have otherwise been denied.

How to attract money

Money is simply a concept. It is a settlement all of us have with one another to place a particular worth on a chunk of paper or coin. It has no intrinsic worth or energy. I say this stuff about cash as a result of it is very important to understand that now we have power over it and never the opposite approach around. Its sole value is what we give it.

As such we should never have fear acquiring or losing money. The irony is that the less you care and stress about getting money the more of it comes to you.

That may sound unlikely but it is true. Have you ever heard the saying “easy come, easy go”? You can learn to allow money to come easily to you and to flow from you as well.

Do you want to learn to attract money easily? This 8 Week Money Block Clearing Coaching Program will help you to deal with the resistance of money so you can allow money to come easily to you.

Manifest money is probably the main thing most people want to be able to do, and the reality is it’s really quite simple.

Some of you may have tried to manifest money in the past and failed and this was probably due to your beliefs around money or your failure to detach yourself from your desire.

What do I mean by beliefs around money?

Well take a look at some of these statements; see which ones ring true with you!

Money is the root of all evil

Money doesn’t grow on trees

I’m not made of money

I can’t afford that

Ever heard any of those saying as you were growing up? Ever said any of them yourself?

Well, chances are, if you have or did, that your mind has been programmed to think of money in a negative way.

The other problem is detachment or, more specifically, not being able to detach yourself from your desire. The more you keep thinking about your desire, the more you are confirming the lack of it.

are you think of money in a negative way? This 8 Week Money Block Clearing Coaching Program will help you to reprogram your mind to think of money in a negative way.

5 miraculous ways how to attract money to your home

Money is not just coins and bills. According to the ancient teachings of the East, they are controlled by a special type of energy that can be attracted to our home.

What are these wonderful ways? Here are 5, the most effective of them.

1. The mood for wealth.

You need to be very careful and respectful of them. Think only positively about them, keep a journal of income and expenses, recount and save them more often. After all, money loves when it is given attention.

Drive out thoughts of your own failure or bad luck. Always repeat: “I am a successful person!”, “I always have money!”

We try to spend more time in the society of successful, positive, wealthy people. Ask for advice and learn from them. Or read more and learn about their lives.

2. We get rid of the trash, garbage, and unnecessary things in our homes.

Energy and cash flow entering your home should not be opposed. Throw away all unnecessary junk. And give the old, unnecessary, but still good-quality clothes and things to the poor and needy. Clean up and clean up more often. Particularly you need to pay attention to the hallway so that the energy of money “penetrates and enters the house” more easily.

3. Bring the toad.

Of course not to carry a real toad into the house, but a three-legged, “golden” one with a coin in its mouth. This is another great symbol of wealth. But this toad has its own “habits” — it cannot be placed with its muzzle to any door or window. She should stand in front and look into your home or at you if she is on your desk.

4. Check the bathroom more often.

Keep all drain holes in the bathroom and sink, as well as the lids in the toilet and the doors to the bathroom closed. If they are open, then the energy of money does not have time to linger, it goes straight along with the water.

5. Love citrus fruits.

Keep tangerines and oranges in the house — they will attract cash flows into the house with their aroma. It is good to plant a citrus tree, such as lemongrass. Can be not necessarily fresh, natural

How to attract money using the law of attraction

How to attract money with law of attraction

1.Powerful affirmations for money

This is one of the easy and affordable yet effective methods of attracting money. All you have to do is choose ready-made powerful affirmations for money and include the practice of reciting them in your daily routine. Regularly reciting affirmations to manifest money, at least in the morning and evening can help you to channel money from a variety of sources into your life.

Here are some examples of affirmations

  1. I channel endless streams of money into my life.
  2. Wealth and abundance coming into my life right now
  3. I attract money just as iron attracts a magnet.
  4. I can easily receive money and give it with ease.
  5. Money comes from a variety of sources in my life.

You need to understand that affirmations for money cannot guarantee the receipt of money in your life if you do not take real steps for this, because even in order to win a million rubles in the lottery, you should at least buy a lottery ticket. Wait for the moment when money ideas begin to come to your head, or when a good opportunity appears on your horizon, and act immediately to realize this idea, and grab this opportunity as tightly as possible.

2.Wealth visualization.

They say visualization works miracles and makes it possible to attract things that many of us only dream of but almost never get. It is hard to believe such claims, but they may indeed be true. The fact is that in our world, a lot depends on what thoughts we think in our head.

So, if we think that we cannot do something, we cannot, because we simply will not try, but if we think that we can, we have a chance, even a minimal one, but a chance, because we keep trying … But visualization is not just a thought, but the process of creating an image of a fulfilled desire, a living image filled with bright colors, feelings, and emotions.

This image is able not only to motivate you to achieve your goal but also to influence physical reality, although the latter is hard to believe. Visualization is a really powerful tool for achieving goals, but it needs to be used correctly so that your efforts are not wasted.

3.Practice Gratitude

Feelings of gratitude can work wonders for attracting money. It is an emotion that will certainly grab the attention of the universe. When a person expresses gratitude for the things and events that the Universe has bestowed on him, he declares without any ambiguity that makes him happy and content. Since the universe is always trying to fulfill the wishes of people, it will definitely help let the universe know what makes a person happy.

Feelings of gratitude should not be limited to great blessings in life. There are so many good things happening every day in life that a person should be grateful for, but he easily forgets. To help you remember them, it is worth keeping a gratitude journal in which you can write them down.

4. Take actions inspired by the Universe

When you use the Law of Attraction for money, the actions you take are guided by the Universe. Although you have to move to get to the place you want, those actions will flow and everything will be much easier.

How to attract money with water

How to attract money with water

Water is used in many magical rites. It is the source of our life and an amazing substance that stores and transfers energy. Here are some rituals for money associated with water.

1.A glass for the fulfillment of desires.

With the growing moon, you need to put a note on the windowsill in the evening with a wish, the fulfillment of which you really want. Place a glass of water on it. In the morning it is worth drinking some of the water. Part of it is to wash.

2.Money cleaning.

Before you are going to wash the floors, say “wealth”, “prosperity”, “abundance” to the bucket of water several times. After cleaning, such water does not need to be poured into the toilet, it is better to pour it under a bush or tree on the street.

3.Charged money water.

On a full moon or new moon at night, place a container of clean water on the window. It is important that it is not plastic, but made of natural materials — glass, ceramics. Place seven gold coins on the bottom. The container should stand on the windowsill for three days. Then you need to wash with this water, at that moment imagining a prosperous and happy life.

4. Money river.

Write your wish on a piece of paper. Let this piece of paper lying under your pillow for at least 7 days. Then throw it into a river, stream or sea, while speaking it out loud.


There are so many options for visualizations that you can “charge” yourself for wealth and success. For example, lying in the bathroom, imagine that you are bathing in gold. Or, when you’re in the shower, think about the fact that this is not just water, but a stream of abundance.

These are the simple money rituals. Of course, they only represent a positive background to our daily activities. Rituals will not replace real deeds, but they can pleasantly shade life, concretize your desires


It is entirely possible to attract money. You just have to use the correct techniques. Also, even if abundance is not your main manifestation goal, it will surely benefit you to attract more money into your life.

but when you try to attract money, your inner critic will often tell you that you cannot. Sometimes it will even tell you that you don’t deserve to be rich. These are the blocks you have to clear in order to attract money and These 8 Week Money Block Clearing Coaching Program will definitely help you to clear money block.

